Friday, May 15, 2009

To Being A Girl Damn It!

***Spoiler Alert! If you have not watched the finale do not read this blog!!***

I found myself in an absolute hysterical cry last night. The kind you have when you are a child. The can't breathe, face blotchy, loud sobbing sort of tear fest. I hate to admit it but I still tear up today just talking about last night's episode of Grey's Anatomy.

Is it because I am a girl? Can that really be it? It seems so sexist and yet I can think of no other reason. An actress myself, I have died 9 times on screen or stage. I have been poisoned, stabbed, shot, you name it. It's obviously not that I have a hard time separating reality from fiction. So then what is it?

The only answer I can come to is that I am a girl. A big sappy, sensitive, emotional, romanticist. Getting even deeper into last nights episode....I can now see that what really got me was George's storyline. Izzy yeah its sad but people die from cancer, but we have had time to prepare (and she may not be dead, an inside source says that ABC really isn't sure right now but she may be around next season) Back to George. I feel like him going to war and dying for his country would have been somehow more heroic than him throwing himself in front of a bus. Or maybe it was the girl that he saved I didn't like. Her "all about me" mentality and calling him her prince. Before I knew the vic was George I thought how sweet, and yet when it was George, when the vic had a name and that name was George, suddenly she didn't deserve him. Which led to the thought: imagine all the guys out there that smile at us and we think hit on us ladies. They were somebody's George. That is what breaks my heart. (They better not have George live and just have him played by another actor...think about it...his face is unrecognizable and McSteamy is the best plastic sugeon, in the world that is Grey's Anatomy)

The only thing I can take from all this is that if all these tears (over a damn show) are simply for no reason other than that I am a girl, how great to be a girl!

It felt so good to cry like that. I haven't cried in a long time and it felt good! Almost as good as shopping! (well, that might be a slight exageration)

If being a big sappy, sensitive, emotional, romanticist means that I cry over stupid shows then thats fine. I also get to wear pretty dresses, makeup, obsess over babies and flowers, love Disney at 27, shriek if I see a mouse or a spider, worship my daddy, marry my prince charming, and live happily ever after.

So all that being said here is to being a girl (a big sappy, sensitive, emotional, romanticist)!



  1. I cried too! Such a tear jerker!

  2. Girl, I cried the same cry! I was hysterical! I could hardly see the TV through my tears! What a night!

  3. nice blog

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