Thursday, May 21, 2009

To The Year Of The Underdog

Wow what a season it has been! Full of unexpected surprises! Talk about the year of the underdog! Bachelor, Dancing with the Stars, and Idol oh my!

It all started twelve weeks ago with Melissa Rycroft on the Bachelor getting the guy only to get dumped at the final rose ceremony reunion. Then just when we all felt for her, and thought I'd be home with chocolate, she appeared poised and perfect on Dancing with the Stars. Fast Forward eleven weeks and surprise #2 came in the form of the little Olympic wonder Shawn Johnson winning DWTS! Shocking! Now after last night I am in complete amazement. Kris Allen coming from behind to win it all on American Idol!! Twitter and Google had Adam Lambert winning, plus if you really think about it No Boundaries (that terrible song) was clearly written for Danny Gokey. Nobody expected Kris to even be in the finals - yet alone win. While we are on the subject of that horrific song co-written by Kara Dioguardi, she is another dark horse! For the new kid that nobody likes, she sure did put on quite a show last night. Nothing like a little publicity to try and save your job! Wow it just keeps going, Kara's sideshow brings us to Bikini girl, Bikini girl's new "assets", and Nick/Norman Gentle. Even they were able to come out of nowhere and steal the show. When the time came to finally crown the winner I had forgotten that American Idol even had a winner.

I think Kris is a great singer and very marketable, but I thought America would count him out once they realized he was married (at least the screaming girls). Either the "America Votes" reality shows are fixed, or maybe there is a new demographic voting. They aren't vocal about who they love, they quietly cast their votes from the shadows. There is perhaps one more scenario and I find this one pretty probable. Both Kris and Shawn had huge numbers from the very beginning(making them the people's choice) and the networks seeing that and decided to spin them into the "dark horse". Well however it happened, WOW quite a surprise indeed. I think it's fair to say the neither the viewers nor the winners saw it coming! In fact both Shawn and Kris had that deer in headlights look about them....priceless!

Take away this: Adam Lambert will do just fine, and now Kris will too (he needs the idol machine behind him)

So to the surprises and twists of great Reality TV season!


PS. I am so glad the TV season is over, I can finally have my life back....wait...what's that you say....oh So You Think You Can Dance starts tonight.....yay! My life can wait :)

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see if So You Think You Can Dance has the same outcome. Good observation!


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