Wednesday, June 17, 2009

To What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas!

"I need a vacation from my vacation!" I think we all say this on that magical first day back at work. It holds true whether you laid on the beach for ten days or went somewhere a bit less relaxing like I did. Either way coming back is like hitting a brick wall. Leaving you somewhere in between awake and asleep, coherent and not coherent, wanting to go back and REALLY glad it's over.

That magical place is where I am today! After 10 magical days split between Los Angeles and Las Vegas I am so tired that I am tired of being tired! Was it all worth it? Of course! Especially headed into the MBA chapter of my life, it's nice to know I had one last hoorah! Although it wasn't long enough, I missed seeing a buch of great friends, it was as long as I could handle! HAHA! Seriously there were at least three occasions where I pondered whether or not I would even make it home. (not from being overly "Indulged" drink wise either, just from sheer exhaustion!) It was the overstimulation! VIP into all the best clubs, Exquisite dining, Pool Parties, Limo rides, Blackjack, Penny Slots, Playing where's the chicken wing (thanx for the memeries Hooters Casino), and Brazilian Bikinis....whooo

So in an effort to let "what happens in Vegas, stay in Vegas" I will leave you with this: Everyone says nothing is going on in Vegas b/c of the economy...NOT TRUE! There was so much going on! Get yourself there if you can! And don't worry there will be a slide show ala The Hangover coming very soon! Until Then.....

To What Happens in Vegas Stays In Vegas! Cheers!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

To The Brands We Love

One of the main reasons I want to pursue a career in Consumer Marketing is that I am very intrigued by what draws us to one brand over another. It's usually beyond the quality of the product. For me it's always emotional or evokes some sort of memory.

Peanut Butter for example. Peanut Butter is pretty much Peanut Butter. I know I know some are all natural, some are sweeter than others, but for the most part PB is PB. If you were to order one in a restaurant (I don't know why you would, but if you did) you probably wouldn't ask, "Excuse me, sir. What kind of Peanut Butter do you use? Ohh Skippy? Nevermind I'll have a salad". Although knowing my friends maybe you would haha. I'm just going to get to the point....

There are certain things that have very little differences across brands. So why do we favor one brand over the other? Back to the PB, I buy what we had as kids. My dad worked at Proctor & Gamble so our PB of choice was Jiff. I remember my mom would draw a heart in the PB whenever she'd make a sandwich. So to this day I will still only buy Jiff.

In fact I can do this same sort of emotional reasoning for almost every brand name that I am loyal to. I will spare you the enormous list...your welcome. But I will tell you what prompted today's blog. It was the song "T-Shirt" by Shontelle.

The song is about a girl missing a boy and she gets all dressed up to go out but she misses him so much she stays home and curls up in a Hanes T. Could have been any cotton T, but it wasn't it was a Hanes T, because Hanes is known for comfort and it reminds her of the lost love. See I am not making it up we all do this!! Right? I know you do :)

So listen to the song on YouTube, and next time you are buying one brand over another try to figure out why.

Oh and if you want curl up with something Hanes you can go to to buy a Shontelle Hanes Tee.

So to the brands we love! Cheers!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

To The Great Trim or Chop Debate

Why is it that as girls we get so excited about haircuts?  I literally couldn't sleep last night I was so excited. Maybe it's because it feels like a fresh start, or a way to be a little wild.  Or maybe it's because it's the one thing in life that we can really change at the snap of a finger (or a snip of the scissors if  you will).  I think it's all of those rolled into one. 

To be honest if I get a trim I feel like I look totally different, wild and spontaneous.  Actually though I am none of those and I look no different.  My absolute favorite part of a hair cut is first time you run your fingers through it and (no matter how much you snipped) it feels as if your fingers have run off a cliff, leaving you a little breathless.

Well, today I posed a question to my friends: trim or chop?  In the end I was to scared to chop but adventurous enough to do more than a trim.  So what do you think?

To the great trim or chop debate.  


Thursday, May 21, 2009

To The Year Of The Underdog

Wow what a season it has been! Full of unexpected surprises! Talk about the year of the underdog! Bachelor, Dancing with the Stars, and Idol oh my!

It all started twelve weeks ago with Melissa Rycroft on the Bachelor getting the guy only to get dumped at the final rose ceremony reunion. Then just when we all felt for her, and thought I'd be home with chocolate, she appeared poised and perfect on Dancing with the Stars. Fast Forward eleven weeks and surprise #2 came in the form of the little Olympic wonder Shawn Johnson winning DWTS! Shocking! Now after last night I am in complete amazement. Kris Allen coming from behind to win it all on American Idol!! Twitter and Google had Adam Lambert winning, plus if you really think about it No Boundaries (that terrible song) was clearly written for Danny Gokey. Nobody expected Kris to even be in the finals - yet alone win. While we are on the subject of that horrific song co-written by Kara Dioguardi, she is another dark horse! For the new kid that nobody likes, she sure did put on quite a show last night. Nothing like a little publicity to try and save your job! Wow it just keeps going, Kara's sideshow brings us to Bikini girl, Bikini girl's new "assets", and Nick/Norman Gentle. Even they were able to come out of nowhere and steal the show. When the time came to finally crown the winner I had forgotten that American Idol even had a winner.

I think Kris is a great singer and very marketable, but I thought America would count him out once they realized he was married (at least the screaming girls). Either the "America Votes" reality shows are fixed, or maybe there is a new demographic voting. They aren't vocal about who they love, they quietly cast their votes from the shadows. There is perhaps one more scenario and I find this one pretty probable. Both Kris and Shawn had huge numbers from the very beginning(making them the people's choice) and the networks seeing that and decided to spin them into the "dark horse". Well however it happened, WOW quite a surprise indeed. I think it's fair to say the neither the viewers nor the winners saw it coming! In fact both Shawn and Kris had that deer in headlights look about them....priceless!

Take away this: Adam Lambert will do just fine, and now Kris will too (he needs the idol machine behind him)

So to the surprises and twists of great Reality TV season!


PS. I am so glad the TV season is over, I can finally have my life back....wait...what's that you say....oh So You Think You Can Dance starts tonight.....yay! My life can wait :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

To Being A Girl Damn It!

***Spoiler Alert! If you have not watched the finale do not read this blog!!***

I found myself in an absolute hysterical cry last night. The kind you have when you are a child. The can't breathe, face blotchy, loud sobbing sort of tear fest. I hate to admit it but I still tear up today just talking about last night's episode of Grey's Anatomy.

Is it because I am a girl? Can that really be it? It seems so sexist and yet I can think of no other reason. An actress myself, I have died 9 times on screen or stage. I have been poisoned, stabbed, shot, you name it. It's obviously not that I have a hard time separating reality from fiction. So then what is it?

The only answer I can come to is that I am a girl. A big sappy, sensitive, emotional, romanticist. Getting even deeper into last nights episode....I can now see that what really got me was George's storyline. Izzy yeah its sad but people die from cancer, but we have had time to prepare (and she may not be dead, an inside source says that ABC really isn't sure right now but she may be around next season) Back to George. I feel like him going to war and dying for his country would have been somehow more heroic than him throwing himself in front of a bus. Or maybe it was the girl that he saved I didn't like. Her "all about me" mentality and calling him her prince. Before I knew the vic was George I thought how sweet, and yet when it was George, when the vic had a name and that name was George, suddenly she didn't deserve him. Which led to the thought: imagine all the guys out there that smile at us and we think hit on us ladies. They were somebody's George. That is what breaks my heart. (They better not have George live and just have him played by another actor...think about it...his face is unrecognizable and McSteamy is the best plastic sugeon, in the world that is Grey's Anatomy)

The only thing I can take from all this is that if all these tears (over a damn show) are simply for no reason other than that I am a girl, how great to be a girl!

It felt so good to cry like that. I haven't cried in a long time and it felt good! Almost as good as shopping! (well, that might be a slight exageration)

If being a big sappy, sensitive, emotional, romanticist means that I cry over stupid shows then thats fine. I also get to wear pretty dresses, makeup, obsess over babies and flowers, love Disney at 27, shriek if I see a mouse or a spider, worship my daddy, marry my prince charming, and live happily ever after.

So all that being said here is to being a girl (a big sappy, sensitive, emotional, romanticist)!


Monday, May 4, 2009

To Music Monday

Since today is Music Monday on twitter I thought I would stay on theme!

In January of 1973 Carly Simon released the #1 hit You're So Vain and I know we all know the lyrics You're so vain you probably think this song is about you....

Well I guess I am very vain because there are so many songs that I swear are about me...or at least could/should be! :)

The latest is Brad Paisley's new song She's Everything. Now believe me I know it is about his wife Kimberly Williams Paisley (from Father of the Bride which happens to be my favorite movie) but lets examine some evidence:
1. She's a Saturn with a sunroof With her brown hair a-blowing--I have a Saturn with a sunroof and brown hair.... ah thank you.
2. She's a Saturday out on the town And a church girl on Sunday She's a cross around her neck And a cuss word 'cause its Monday-- again must be me :)
3. She's a one glass of wine And she's feeling kinda tipsy-- It's almost uncanny! Who else could it be, I mean really?
4. She's the giver I wish I could be And the stealer of the covers-- I totally give and steal!

See I told you! You must be totally convinced by now! If not listen here (think of me while you do haha!)

Okay haha! I know we all do this. It's why we favor some songs over others. Just can't get enough of me you say....well okay here is another song you can listen to and think of me:

Love Song Sara Bareilles (

I actually have songs for other people/relationships too, and while I won't go into the personal details I have very distinct memories attached to the following songs:

Don't Stop Believin - Journey (this one is for Ben)
With a Little Help From My Friends - Beatles (my CCM boys and James)
Crazy - Gnarles Barkley (my girl Vieve)
Promiscuos - Nelly Furtado (Vieve and Rachie Summer 2007)
Everytime We Touch - Cascada (ahahaha ridiculous song for a ridiculous ex)
These Days - Rascal Flats (this is the song that reminds me of you airplane boy)

and perhaps my favorite

Butterfly Kisses - Bob Carlisle (for my daddy of course) 

So here is to the power of a song and #MusicMonday! And now I need a drink! Cheers!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

To youtube

This is actually a shameless plug.

Check out this video about marketing to women: it's a spin off of the original Pepsi Max I’m Good commercial, but this version substitutes women in place of men in situations that are equally as painful but applicable to females, noting that they too are strong enough to withstand the exaggerated circumstances and are as capable of bouncing back with an “I’m good.”

Watch and pass it on! Lets get marketers to include us ladies! We make 80% of purchases!

So here is to youtube!(really to marketing to women)


Sunday, April 26, 2009

To you

Time To Toast is all about toasting the smaller moments in life (really adding any reason to pop the champagne)

So help me clink the glasses and tell me what you toast to today....

It's five o'clock somewhere :)


To the NFL

What a day for the NFL!  

I have to start by saying how excited I am for my Bengals.  Andre Smith and Ray Maualuga are two amazing players.  I can't believe that Maualuga was still up for grabs by pick 38! I thought NE would be quick to get him in Patriots garb. I guess they were too busy switching spots with other teams :) Anyway what a win for the if only we can keep Carson healthy and Ochocinqo in check we may have a chance (but I won't hold my breath).

The best moment for me was Marc Sanchez going to the Jets.  It was exhilarating to watch. Everybody was saying they can't believe he didn't go first or second, and how hard that must be for him.  Then here come the Jets from number 22 to welcome him to NY!  How amazing! I bet Sanchez was elated! Matt Stafford is probably so jealous that Sanchez was number 5 in the draft and gets to go to a really great team, while he is stuck with the Lions! HA!  Sanchez is shaping up to be the next Tom Brady.  (what a pretty game it will be when NE plays the Jets, those are two good looking QBs)  The Jets are in need of a star QB now that Favre is gone, so I wonder who will start for the Jets come Fall? Sanchez or Ainge?

I also found it odd that "He really loves football" was sort of the tag line for the day.  Don't they all?  I guess just not as much as Curry, Monroe, Maualuga, and Oher.  All I can say is I really love football and with that....

Here is to the NFL!  Cheers!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

To New Chapters

On March 13th of 2009, two new chapters opened in my life simultaneously.  You know how you can wake up one morning and think your day is going to go one way, then at the drop of a hat something happens and you know your life will never be the same.  Now imagine that happening TWICE in ONE day!!  

The title of the first chapter is MOH.  

At 9 am I opened an email from my best friend Tiffany titled "Greetings from Germany".  I didn't even have to open the email, I just knew, I could feel it.  Twins often speak of being able to feel one another even when they are far apart.  This is how Tiff and have been since we met freshman year of college.  Words have always been unnecessary, when it comes to us, we just know.  So, as I clicked open I literally stopped breathing.  I saw a picture of a beautiful castle and the tears started to pour down my cheeks, I hurriedly scrolled to the bottom of the email where I saw it, "Christian got down on one knee and completed the fairy tale".   She was Engaged!  We had dreamed of this since we shared a dorm room at UC (more on that later) and the day had finally come!  I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me.  Suddenly I knew I was going to be busy over the next year! Little did I know there was more in store!

The title of the second chapter is MBA.

Still smiling from Tiff's big news, I get another email.  This one wipes the smile off my face.  It's a note saying, "Head's up...Today is the big day".  My heart stopped and I suddenly had butterflies in my stomach.  See, over the past year I had worked my tail applying for grad school, and now in seven little words I knew that the next two years of my life would be determined by an email that was on its way.  So I took a deep breath, prepared myself for the worst, and refreshed my inbox every thirty seconds for the next three hours.  It was now March 13th about 3:30pm and I couldn't get any work done, which is usual for a Friday, but with the day I had had who could blame me.  Since March Madness had begun almost the whole office decided to cut work early and go have a beer.  Then all of the sudden this wave came over me, I felt like I couldn't breathe. It had arrived I knew it!   So I went to my email (thank god for my iPhone) and saw it "Kelley MBA Application Status".  I opened it, closed my eyes, took a deep breath; then out of the tiniest squint read...."Congratulations! It is my pleasure to offer you admission to the Kelley School of Business MBA Program at Indiana University for the 2009 fall semester."  My eyes opened wide as I read the rest.  Suddenly I knew I was going to be busy over the next two years!

If you haven't realized yet this all happened on Friday the 13th.  Not the sort of emotions you correlate with that date.  Maybe the day is lucky, maybe it was simply a coincidence, either way it deserves a toast. 

Here is to New Chapters! Cheers!

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